Sunday, April 30, 2006

After mid.


Wow, after midnight already. Hmm, Talked to her again. Good. Good. Hmm *Smiles* Haha, Yea, still euphorically happy. ROFL. And, yeah, other than being lame. I dont know how to entertain people. Nor cheer people up. Nor.. er intentionally joking a funny joke.

I'm just happy. I'm cheered up. I feel it. Haha. Please. If this is cruel, be like this forever. =) Did some quizzes. And, well.. I represent Lonliness(twice), Lost, Sound of rain, water, and ghost/spirit. Haaha, at least the results were quite uniform. So yeah. bleahs. Calm, powerful, destruction without realising.

Leo trying to get his WC3 running. We are waiting for him to get ready. On skype and chat. LoL. This is lame. but fun. haahs. Crap abit with her. haha. Heard her voice. =) Okie, sound so lame. I mean for me to say this. ROFL.


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