Tuesday, July 26, 2005


It had been raining the past few days.
It's so cold that I covered myself with the blanket.
It's cold, yet I switched on the fan.
It feels even better now, under the blanket.
Rain stopped.
I threw the blanket on the floor and bathed myself under the warmth.

Had anyone see what had I really wanted to write?

Not really a sudden thought, but after reading Ruoying's blog.

Cherish and treasure. Love?

When we are down or lacking of attention, we will seek someone that will definitely be there. The blanket?

It feels so good with the attention of that someone. Warmth?

But we want more, we will make ourself seems poorer. Appearing all alone and left out on the outside, yet crying for more attentions and love inside our hearts. Isn't it getting colder?
More and more attentions followed, and soon we won't need someone to provide us with it anymore. There are other sources. Sun?

We will start to forget who that someone is. Someone who we had all been using. Someone who is different for everyone of us. Is someone on the floor now?

Pick it up and fold it please.

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