Monday, December 03, 2007

Alright, went to Leo's bbq after work. Haha, asked Jessica to come along, and she brought Yuan along. I kinda forget about this guy. It had been so long since I saw him, or actually think who is he. Nevertheless, I don't mind getting to know more friends.

Jessica is.. mmm. a great person to have at a bbq. Let her do all those cooking! lol. Experiences beat everything. Eating, playing, talking.. LoL. I don't even know what to blog. Didn't get to sleep, played cards til 530 then sent Jess and Yuan off before going to shower. Slept for an hour before leaving for work. LoL.

Very tired, but I love my colleague. He let me rest, in the storeroom. Slept for like 20% of my time there. Sales wasn't that bad today, sweet, more money. I was too tired to even try to starve myself today. Somehow, I am too heaty today. Kept having nose bleed.

Thanks Polar, KS, JW for coming down to AMK to gather today. LoL. Thought you guys will just go out and chill without me, but you guys came for me. Sweet. What are friends for? Haha, had chicken rice after work. It is delicious. Superb soup that came with it.

Somehow, they are worried that I got dengue again. lol. Nose bleeding? Thanks for the concern. I think I will be fine tomorrow.

-I met someone in the morning. Weirdly, he claimed to know me. He told me I will be fine and I should go dutch. It is weird, but I will remember him. =)

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