Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Aloha! Days passed like ....bacteria reproducing..whatever. Querying for any special events that took place. Not that I took noticed of. Except for my Fucked Up stamina after a month of passive smoking. %&^^$*(*&#@..

That Sunday, went out to have a jog with beloved Jiawen[a guy]. I finally realised I'm having problem breathing and my heart aches. Nothing sad happened to me lately. Hmm.. The same thing happened to me during my Judo training last wednesday. Sickening.

Oh! btw, I'm now yellow dan for Judo. NYP Judo that is. Er, Yeah. That's all.

Well did I even wanna mention about it when I don't know what to say. Man! Why am I talking to myself?

Sicking feelings are getting back into my mind. I'm not sure if there is anyone who know what I mean. The feeling. Argh! Maybe I should just concentrate on my works.


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