Monday, December 26, 2005

24th XmasEve Eve plan was to rot at home and see if I will turn into an undead. But Mr polar chua zhao han asked me t go over to Esther's house. I thought there were some kind of class gathering or something, so I agreed to go. Only until i meet him, then he tiold me it will be only 2 of us, and we were suppose to go there listen to carolling.

As we waited, (Carolling party were late.) we ate some scallops. WoW. Nice salty..hmm... We saw how much bikes her dad has, how many consoles they owned, how many HiFi they have in their house. Whew..Then we felt that we should play Xbox console while we waited.

Suddenly! A bang! A boom! The carolling party came silently. (Notice that there isnt any bang or boom.) 40 church members came into the little 4 room flat. wow. Then they sit down at the living room (some left standing,some gotta stand outside, some waited in the kitchen). Christmas Carol. My god. I cant sing. I didnt. =P HEes Listen to one of them talked about Christmas, Jesus coming to the world. ah..boring. the way he spoke. God bless.

After that, we had sme red bean soups. (so did the carollers) then we played Xbox. One round of Metal Slug 4 with zhaohan. If that game were to be played at the arcade, I and him would had spent hundred plus on it. whew. Bored. We take turns to play Star War Lego with Esther on the Xbox. It was fun. But I were sleepy. So I napped. Woke up in an hr time. Played abit. then the game hanged. Oh gosh.. No save. Sob. But I dont mind. SInce im not the one who played for the hr. haha

Sleept til morning. Cold. WOke up. Went to the living room. Slept on the sofa. Esther was plaing maple. wow. no sleep i suppose. hees We left at around 12 after eating some breads. and milo.made by Esther's mom. hees. 25th already. Shall make a new post.

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