Thursday, November 02, 2006


Great. I'm back again. Don' think there is anyone reading my blog anymore. After a long period of pausesage. Whatever that word means. Somehow my tagboard had been taken down by fooble. Great. Cus no one wants to even scold me for not blogging.

Joseph Ng Jun Wei is very tired. Yea. I want to...[omg.. my english is so bad tht i cant find the correct phrase,word,sentence.] VENT my frustation. Somehow, I know I cant carry on my life like this anymore. Like what? Like playing games everyday, like wanting to play everyday, like wanting to sleep every moment. like....I got the feeling that I will be unfaithful to my girl. Like I want all distinctions for my studies but not still slacking like last sems. Like wasting money on my girl. Like wasting my time on frigging transports due to the that.

Ok. No. It's not my girl's fault. I think a good guy wouldn't mind a girl wanting to be with him every moment. I'm just not good enough, and I hate being clamped between friends, girl and games. For my sake, please avoid causing me to enter such dilemma, cause I might just freak out and screw everyone.

Privacy, room for me to write my tots. Nah.. this is not the place. I don't want to get my girl upset when/if some mofo/SOBs proceed to tell my girl about my rantings. Nah, no one I can talk to. Guys are bad listeners and girls are ...well... my girl get jealous pretty fast. I'm tired. Tired. I hate the "Do you love me?" stuffs. Does 3 words prove anything? I rather find someone to read my heart, then to get myself to try to understand myself.

Yeah, I'm a loser that don't know what HE wants. Except for pleasures without effort, free money, free food, everlasting time.. I'm tired.

I don't think I want a useless tagboard. Just send me comments thru msn. maybe I would create another blog to post my tots. Tired.

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